Drama Box Games in a PowerPoint Presentation :
Ideal for SEN settings.
You can link it with Drama, Music, Circle Time Activitites, Communication, Social Skills Development.
Combine props and songs and creat a multisensory activity which is very motivating especially for children with Autism!
Enjoy and do not forget to follow me:
Instagram: Special_Education_Classroom
Facebook: Special Education Classroom Group and Page
Hello Educators!
This is a simplified version of the popular story “Ocean Life”.
All text is symbolized with Widgit Symbols.
Visual boards for the story are included in the form of Colourful Semantics in order for the children to use them during the lesson.
•Includes songs that can be used without internet.
•It also includes a variety of prop suggestions to turn it into a sensory story that has lots of fun!
•Includes 2 activities (symbol to photos and story comprehension questions)
Enjoy and do not forget to follow me on social media for exclusive content, more ideas and special giveaways!
Naya x
PowerPoint Presentation with the story The Wind and the Sun.
Instructions for the story e.g. props you can use plus photos of how I have used them in class.
PowerPoint Presentation with activities for the story The Wind and the Sun.
Instructions for the activities.
Word document with props to laminate.
Visual Board (ALS, PECS) in a pdf. format from Widgit Online
Curriculum Links: Literacy, PSHE, Science.
Topic Links: Weather, Seasons
Enjoy and do not forget to follow me:
Instagram: Special_Education_Classroom
Facebook: Special Education Classroom Group and Page
Product Description
Hello Educators!
•This is a multimedia (songs and sound effects) PPP of the story Dora and her friend around the world (made up )
•Curriculum Links: Literacy, PSHE (friendship, sharing, emotions), Geography
•Topic Links: Traveling, Different cultures, Friendship etc.
•Props you need: Puppets for Dora and Boots (included just laminate them and put them on a stick), sunglasses, aeroplane, leaves, basket, sunglasses, water, sand, pyramids, red bus, book.
•DISCLAIMER: I have added a pray slide at the end of this PPP because we do use it for cultural purposes to my school. Please feel free to delete it if it is not relevant to your students’ beliefs. You can always make a slide about reading books so you can use a book as a prop and students can turn the pages or even read it!
• Visual board with Widgit symbols is included.
•2 extension activities are included in this pack!
-Activity 1: Dora Colourful Semantics building sentences
-Activity 2: Connect picture to visual
Enjoy and do not forget to follow me:
Instagram: Special_Education_Classroom
Facebook: Special Education Classroom Group and Page
Hello Educators!
This is a simplified version od the popular story “Finding Nemo”.
All text is symbolized with Widgit Symbols.
Visual boards for the story are included in the form of Colourful Semantics in order for the children to use them during the lesson.
Includes 2 activities with words (copy the words, write the word under the story-4 slides each)
Includes on comprehension activity in Widgit Symbols with multiple choice options.
Enjoy and do not forget to follow me on social media for exclusive content, more ideas and special giveaways!
Naya x
Hello Educators,
•This is a Termly Art Planning session for children with SEN, themed around London’s Famous Landmarks.
I have personally used it for my Geography topic in a class of PMLD students.
At the end of the term, we made a lovely book that children took home!
•This pack includes:
instructions about each technique you can use for each lesson
all the printable you need
Widgit Visuals
my personal termly plan for this particular lesson.
Hello Educators,
This is a collection of three sequencing songs. By sequencing songs we mean that children will choose the visual they want and they will sequencing the song.
Wheels on the bus (two variations)
Old McDonald
If you are happy and you know it
Curriculum Links: Literacy, Communication, Music, Choosing Time etc.
Enjoy and do not forget to follow me:
Instagram: Special_Education_Classroom
Facebook: Special Education Classroom Group and Page
Hello Educators!
· These are the 5 Power Point Presentations EXPANSION of the sensory days! Just add these slides next to the original sensory days!
· These resources does not include the sensory days PowerPoint. You need to buy them separately. Read carefully in advance.
· I have included the emotion of the day, the number of the day and the shape of the day!
· EMOTIONS are based on the zones of regulation colours e.g. on a green Thursday emotion is happy because when you are happy you are on Green on traffic light and charts normally. Feel free to change the colours if they do not suit your needs!
· Visuals are included and they are in two levels; one in a format of a booklet (ALS Board for higher level) and another one with simple pictures that you can use as PECS style visual for lower level students.
· I have also included a 6th visual which can be used as a destructor or as number 6.
· I have included an audio for each emotions to make it more sensory for example a sad piano instrumental music for sad emotion and a snoring audio for the sick emotion to imply that when we are sick we need to get some extra sleep!
· Regarding the sick emotion I have added it as I do consider functional and important for children to be able to communication when they feel sick.
· Do not hesitate to contact me through the social media if you need more info before you buy a product!
· You can also use the morning circle PowerPoint routine from my store and combine all three resources together for a complete Communication and Cognition session to start your day!
Thank you so much!
Hello Educators!
Soggy Saturday!
This is a great sensory story about weather, colours or animals! Well you can use it as you want ofcourse! It is a full lesson with everythign you will goning to need!
This file contains:
PPP of the story with Widgit visuals in it.
Instructions and photos of what props you need, how you use the props and the visuals, activity ideas.
Colourful Semantics as extension activity (2 versions, old colourful semantics with blue colour for Adjectivs and new version with clouds).
Visual Boards for the story that you can use them as ALS Boards or cut them and use them as single PECs.
Animal templates for art or props.
Visuals to label the paint bottles or use them as communication tools.
Enjoy and do not forget to follow me:
Instagram: Special_Education_Classroom
Facebook: Special Education Classroom Group and Page
Hello Educators!
I present you my HOT and COLD collection of PPP and resources!
The file contains 3 different PPP, which you can use separetely or as extention activitites for eachother and one word file with some background photos that you can use for sorting out activitite (look at the pictures and thubnails)!
I have used this lesson both to teach PSHE as well as Science (Topic was Weather/Seasons)! My children loved it because it gives you the opportunity to teach using actual items and sensory hands on resources which children love to explore!
PPP about hot and cold in general, which children can explore different sources of hot (such as a hairdryer) or cold (such as an ice cube). At the end I have a simple experiment of melting the ice.
PPP about hot and cold weather. It includes the differences between hot and cold weather as well as what sort of clothes and items (such as suncream) we need depending on the temperature!
PPP with all the visuals that you will need for the activitite or during the lesson.
Instructions of how to plan and run your lessons.
Examples with photos of how I used these resources in three different levels.
Visuals in widgit
Enjoy and do not forget to follow me:
Instagram: Special_Education_Classroom
Facebook: Special Education Classroom Group and Page
Hello Educators,
This is a full lesson about materials (Science) or you can sue it for Recycle topic as well.
It contains:
PPP about materials and how we use them and categorise them.
Widgit visuals to label the boxes.
Instructions about how to prepare and deliver the lesson as well as photos from my own lesson for ideas.
Sorting out materials activitity.
Please have a look at the preview images and video for more information.
There is also a resource bundle (Science materials and Recycling) that contaon this PPP as well as moe sensory version of the materials.recycling. You may want to have a look at there in case you would like both, so you can differentiate!
Enjoy and do not forget to follow me:
Instagram: Special_Education_Classroom
Facebook: Special Education Classroom Group and Page
Hello Educators,
This file includes:
Lunch mats in two different levels that you can edit and put your children photos, names and dietician preferences e.g. Vegan.
Lunch visual Routine (generic). Although these are in a pdf format, I have left space for you to add children photos in oder to make it more individualised if there is a need to!
Enjoy and do not forget to follow me:
Instagram: Special_Education_Classroom
Facebook: Special Education Classroom Group and Page
Hello Educators,
•This is a PowerPoint Presentation about going to the airport.
All symbols are in Widgit
Contains all routine infro from airport e.g. waiting to check in, go through security check etc.
•It can be used as a social story as well if you make it more personalised e.g. you can put the name or the picture of a specific child!
•Includes an editable passport template (Publisher) to make your own passport! If you need a passport from a different country use a snipping tool and add the new passport image on top of the UK one!
•Includes an editable Boarding pass template (Publisher) to make your own boarding pass!
•Includes three different destinations (editable in Publisher) for children to copy the information onto the boarding pass and an extra template for you to add as many other destinations you would like!
Enjoy and do not forget to follow me:
Instagram: Special_Education_Classroom
Facebook: Special Education Classroom Group and Page
Hello Educators,
This is a full lesson about Materials/Recycling (Science) or you can use it for PSHE as well.
It contains:
PPP Peppa pig does recycle about recycling and different materials and how we use them and categorise them. (3 materials:metal, paper, plastic)
Widgit visuals to label the boxes.
Instructions about how to prepare and deliver the lesson as well as photos from my own lesson for ideas.
Sorting out materials activity
Please have a look at the preview images and video for more information.
There is also a resource bundle (Science materials and Recycling) that contain this PPP as well as more advanced version of the materials/recycling. You may want to have a look at there in case you would like both, so you can differentiate!
Enjoy and do not forget to follow me:
Instagram: Special_Education_Classroom
Facebook: Special Education Classroom Group and Page
This is a basic PPP about Personal Hygiene for SEN settings!
Slides contain relevant songs.
As you can link it with Body Parts topic, I have decided to include some basic Body Part Recognition slides to…warm up!
List and photos examples of the props you will need.
Visual Board is included made in Widgit online
Extension activities (2 different levels)
Enjoy and do not forget to follow me:
Instagram: Special_Education_Classroom
Facebook: Special Education Classroom Group and Page
Hello Educators!
•This is my lessons about Electricity for SLD/MLD level.
•It includes 2 lessons in a PPP format.
•Lesson 1: What is electricity and what uses it with example and quiz for the students to find which items use electricity and which ones not.
•Lesson 2: Main and Battery operated appliances with examples and quiz for the students as well.
•This pack also includes 2 sorting out activities, one for each lesson. For lesson 1, I have included symbols and real objects so you can differentiate.
•Look out for the sound messages and photos that I have included in the PPP for more teaching ideas and extension activities!!!
•Enjoy and do not forget to follow me on social media for exclusive content, more ideas and special giveaways!
Naya x
Hello Educators,
This is an individual Timetable for children with SEN/ASD.
Template for individual timetable (see previous).
Instuctions and photos of how to use it in class.
14 pages of widgit visuals see list below
1:1 work
Brushing teeth
Call and response
Circle time
Colourful semantics
Finger gym (fine motor skills)
Fun with food
Good morning
Good afternoon
Lego therapy
Messy play
Soft play
Dark room
Sensory Circuit
Rebound Therapy
Working trays
Travel training
Working station
Physio therapy
Enjoy and do not forget to follow me:
Instagram: Special_Education_Classroom
Facebook: Special Education Classroom Group and Page
Hello Educators!
This is a Colourful Semantics activity set Level 4 (Subject-Verb-Object-Place)
Learn to build sentences and develop your commenting skills!
This activity pack includes:
20 high quality photographs
10 different Subject symbols
17 different Verb symbols
20 different Object symbols
13 different Places symbols
2 different styles of Boards for you to laminate and organise your visuals
Word document with suggested sentences
Colourful Semantics Strips for every level
Visuals in Widgit software
Colourful Semantics Colour instructions e.g. what colours we use for each semantic.
Just print, laminate and velcro the visuals onto the Colourful Semantics Boards with the relevant photo and you are ready to go!
Why don’t you have a look at the buddle options to save you some money!
Enjoy and do not forget to follow me:
Instagram: Special_Education_Classroom
Facebook: Special Education Classroom Group and Page
Hello Educators!
This is a Colourful Semantics activity set Level 3 (Subject-Verb-Object)
Learn to build sentences and develop your commenting skills!
This activity pack includes:
20 high quality photographs
10 different Subject symbols
15 different Verb symbols
20 different Object symbols
2 different styles of Boards for you to laminate and organise your visuals
Word document with suggested sentences
Colourful Semantics Strips for every level
Visuals in Widgit software
Colourful Semantics Colour instructions e.g. what colours we use for each semantic.
Just print, laminate and velcro the visuals onto the Colourful Semantics Boards with the relevant photo and you are ready to go!
Why don’t you have a look at the buddle options to save you some money!
Enjoy and do not forget to follow me:
Instagram: Special_Education_Classroom
Facebook: Special Education Classroom Group and Page
Hello Educators!
This is a Colourful Semantics activity set Level 2 (Subject-Verb)
Learn to build sentences and develop your commenting skills!
This activity pack includes:
20 high quality photographs
10 different Subject symbols
15 different Verb symbols
2 different styles of Boards for you to laminate and organise your visuals
Word document with suggested sentences
Colourful Semantics Strips for every level
Visuals in Widgit software
Colourful Semantics Colour instructions e.g. what colours we use for each semantic.
Just print, laminate and velcro the visuals onto the Colourful Semantics Boards with the relevant photo and you are ready to go!
Why don’t you have a look at the buddle options to save you some money!
Enjoy and do not forget to follow me:
Instagram: Special_Education_Classroom
Facebook: Special Education Classroom Group and Page